Cannot believe it has already a year since I documented the Walsh family. What a treat it is to be able to see a family grow all within the walls of the same house. The house stays the same but the moments change. This is exactly what our Normal Day Sessions are all about. Being able to document a family every year like the Walsh’s so they have a record of their kid’s childhood is amazing. I can’t wait to see these two wonderful girls as they grow up over the years. Here is a collection of my favorite images from our most recent session. What I love most with these sessions and my photography in general is capturing the moments that whisper more so than the moments that scream. Meaning I love looking for those quiet in between moments that compliment the loud ones. The way a mom plays with her daughters ponytail while watching tv to the family dogs waiting patiently under the table for a morsel of food to drop.
Those are the moments we are going to miss when they are gone.
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Estas sesiones son preciosas, sus tiros son muy buenos siempre está en el sitio. Mis felicitaciones por su gran trabajo.