Really all we ask here at Wirken Photography of our clients is for them to just be themselves in front of our cameras. Not to hold back any emotion or trait that makes them truly who they are. Katie, Andy and their family and friends had no problem with that at all and I loved it. I love Katie’s no bs approach to life. She knows what she wants and she goes for it. I admire that about her and Andy is such a calm go with it type if guy making the two of them a perfect match. It was great to watch them interact with their friends and family all day. You could tell the people in their lives mean a great deal to them. The entire day was filled with such a relaxed, laid back flow that nothing could rattle. Not even the rain. They all just rolled with whatever came their way and enjoyed the day with an unwavering calm. It was a joy to be involved.
The info:
Ceremony- Good Shepard Catholic Church
Reception- Lake Quivira Country Club
Florist- Blue Bouquet
Video- Wirken Films
The photos-
Andy’s brother decided it would be funny to write a message on the bottom of Andy’s shoes. Here Andy discovers the prank. Image by Kate.
Then makes his brother remove it. Image by Kate.
Katie gets a bit of help with her veil.
Katie and her parents on their way to the ceremony.
Loved this little tiny shaft of light in the church. Katie and her dad make their down the aisle.
Time for some quick portraits at the bar.
So this next sequence was pretty impressive. Katie was working hard to get the cork out of another bottle of champagne.
As the cork popped out of the bottle it hit the wall and bounced back and like a ninja Katie caught it.
Katie is a nurse and her father is also in the medical field. His toast was a very touching message about how his time working together with her meant so much to him.
The bouquet toss which was rigged in my opinion.
The garter toss was questionably rigged as well.
The result of the rigged toss was Katie’s bridesmaid Kelly and her boyfriend both caught the bouquet and garter and are now engaged. Thank goodness for the intervention as I will be shooting their wedding as well!
The lake view from the reception with the city lights aglow.
Thanks so much for letting us document your day!
Sit back and enjoy a short film of the day by our film guy Brandon Parigo.
[vimeo width=”850″ height=”478″][/vimeo]
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Love this post Tyler!