
Gagne Family Normal Day Session in Kansas City

A Normal Day Session in Kansas City

It is often hard to describe what a Normal Day Session in Kansas City is and why we think they are the best thing going for “family portraits” People often look at me puzzled and say, “you mean you just follow us around on any given day”? Yup! That is exactly what we do. They are often still puzzled and I can see their minds racing trying to figure out not only what those photos could look like but more importantly why one would want something like that. So I love it when families contact me for one of these sessions. It means they “get it“. It means they want something different. Something meaningful. Ferris Bueller put it perfectly-

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”

Our Normal Day Sessions allow us to stop time for an instant so we can take a look at our lives. I think we can all agree, especially with kids, that time seems to slip out of our fingers.

I loved my afternoon last Friday with this family of four. We got to capture moments of the things they all love the most. Building Lego’s with dad, making cookies with mom, epic dance parties, a time honored tradition of the most amazing game of tickle monster I have ever seen, and of course even Sloppy Joe, the dog, made an appearance. Things like this can’t be replicated in a photo session in a studio. Enjoy a few of my favorite images of the Gagne family.
Normal Day Session in Kansas City - Mom reading kids books in bed. Normal Day Session in Kansas City - Dad playing with daughter

Normal Day Session in Kansas City - Girl riding scooter Normal Day Session in Kansas City - Kid being taught to ride a bike

Are you ready to have a Normal Day Session with your family? I promise these are the images that you’ll cherish the most. Send me a message and we’ll get the ball rollin’!



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