Claxton Farms
Ashville, North Carolina Wedding
Destination Wedding Photographer
The very thing I feel defines the type of images a photographer can make. But also is the very thing that is the hardest to do. Even more so when you shoot alone.
In the end it all boils down to the balance between risk vs. reward.
I have been a wedding photographer for 16 years and have struggled to find that balance. Ultimately, in the end, all you can do is rely on experience, faith in your abilities and of course a pinch of luck.
That faith, experience, and most importantly, that luck is what I rely on when I am documenting a wedding. And when I shoot alone, it’s all on me. It is what, in the end, allows me to fully “go for it” and make images exceed my clients expectations.
Taking those risks is what they expect from me. So I have to make that happen.
Without a doubt, things were in my favor and I was in the groove this past weekend! Cicely and Adam’s wedding at Claxton Farm in Asheville, North Carolina set me up for the perfect amount of risk and reward.
The setting was amazing. The couple was amazing. And the party…beyond what I expected. Turns out Cicely is quite the dancer and totally subscribes to the “dance like no one is watching” mantra. Which was… guessed it. Awesome.
Enjoy some of my favorites from my time in the North Carolina mountains.
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