
Amy + David | Kansas City Wedding Preview


One thing that I love about shooting weddings is that many times I will never know what I’m going to see the next time I’m turning a corner.This wedding is definitely one of those.

Amy and David live in Shanghai, China, and all the prior consultation and communication was done through David’s mom, so I never met them until the wedding rehearsal one day before the wedding.

Amy and David already had their wedding celebration done in Shanghai, and now David’s side of the family wanted to celebrate their wedding in Kansas City. David’s mom told me that Amy and David would like to keep the bride-groom portrait to a minimum because they wanted me to focus on capturing the relationship in the families and friends. Awesome, that’s perfectly in-line with my view of what wedding photography should be all about.

So there I was on their wedding day at David’s parents’ home when I spotted Amy and David having wine and chatting, just the two of them, in the kitchen before they headed to church. Of course I remembered about “very minimum bride-groom posed portrait” but I just had to shoot it because I knew if I didn’t do the portrait at that moment then there would be no more chance at all for the rest of the day. So I asked Amy and David to stand closer to each other and to continue with whatever they were doing. Two-minutes and forty-seconds later, I told them we were done with the portraits. They were amused and commented that in Shanghai, a portrait shoot would take a few days.

I don’t usually feature a wedding portrait image in our blog but there’s an exception to everything.




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