
How to have meaningful wedding photographs | Teaser Tuesday of Kristen and Derek’s perfect Kansas City wedding at Brass on Baltimore

Teaser Tuesday on a Wednesday again. Yikes life can get crazy this time of year. But alas I am excited to be back with a teaser from Kristen and Derek’s Kansas City wedding at the Brass on Baltimore wedding venue on Saturday. I was super excited with the images I was able to make for them that I feel really capture the essence of their day. I always say if you want to have an amazing wedding and want your wedding photography to be jam packed full of meaning for years to come it is all about the people and the moments they provide. Kristen and Derek’s wedding in Kansas City was packed with people from the start to the finish. Not only was it packed with people it was packed with people of all sizes that mattered to the couple. Some couples choose to not have children attend their wedding but Kristen and Derek went the opposite route and had more kids in attendance than I can recall ever seeing at a wedding. It made for a wonderful vibe while the bride was getting ready at her parent’s house which led to some great moments that I was able to capture throughout the day. I love looking for wedding photographs that go beyond the wedding and tell a story. Kristen and Derek and their people gave me more than I could wish for in that regard. Enjoy a few of my favorites from Kristen and Derek’s Kansas City wedding at Brass on Baltimore.


I love this image of Kristen’s dad waiting for her to come down the stairs to meet him in her dress for the first time. I found it great how they seem to be mimicking each other with their hands.  TW1_7442Kristen calmly waiting to leave for the ceremony surrounded by chaos and all of her favorite people.  TW1_7692The exit at the end of the night as they left their wedding reception at the Brass on Baltimore.  TW1_9837The end of the night photos always seem to surprise me. Derek tried to open the hotel door and carry Kristen over the threshold but the door closed before he could make it in. He then could not find the key. The best moments always happen at the end of the night.  TW1_9993

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