Okay, okay — I know that we owe you some weddings. I promise that the very next post will be something wedding related since we had an busy October full of some awesome images! For now however I just have to share with you the wonderful chaos that is my life! Alex has found his creative groove at dance class and our little man Zach just turned two. Just some of my favorites from Tyler:
Below are some images from Alex’s final creative movement class for 3-5 year olds. This time they let the parents come and watch their session. It just so happened that we had the whole extended family in town that weekend so Alex got to show off for us, Grandma and Aunt Kim too. He was so happy. Love the studio that we go to. A friend of mine turned me onto it and we are so happy we found it. With much thanks to Miss Kat, Alex cannot wait for the winter session to start! City in Motion incorporated as a Missouri not-for-profit institution in 1985, its mission is to foster the development of high-quality, contemporary dance programming, and expand the dance audience in the Kansas City metropolitan region.
Zach’s 2nd birthday. We were lucky enough to enjoy a family party with our Kansas City and Chicago clan. Thank you guys so much for all the fun! This little guy has just brought so much joy to our house the last 2 years…we cannot wait to see what comes of the next year.
Thanks again for taking the time to check in on our lives. We promise less of us and more of our wonderful couples in the next post!
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Great photos! Alex just kills me, the kid is so funny. And doesn’t it seem like just a year ago it was Zach’s 1st birthday? 😉
I love it!
It is so much fun to see whatis going on with other people’s families and especially grand-children….what a wonderful gift we receive when we can watch our grandchildren grow and become “people” with unique personalities and ideas. LOVE IT….THanks for including me
I see that Zach man got his guitar ; )
Love, love, love these photos. You are all awesome.
Yes, I agree – City in Motion is fabulous! A friend of mine dances / teaches there… I’m glad Alex has been a part of that community. Congrats to Zach for his recent birthday. It has been fun learning a lot more about your family as we stalk your blog for anything at all related to our Oct. wedding, lol. Thanks!
soo great! i think i might retire and just be a mom and take photos like this…but maybe that is just my end of the season tiredness talking! haha