I must admit I was a little skeptical of the idea of a cruise. I had never done one and always vowed not to. The idea of being told what I could and could not do plus feeling like I was in a herd of cattle always kept me away. However, this was an important trip to my wife’s parents so I decided to be as positive as possible. With kids in tow our family joined my wife’s family for 4 days on a boat in the Bahamas. I am glad I went. Of course there were certain aspects of the trip that proved some of my previous conceptions but overall I must say it was quite the enjoyable time. Once I settled into the groove of the ship and figured out our favorite activities it was a trip full of memories and the kids loved every minute of it. When initially thinking about the trip I decided I wanted to make some images for myself while I was there. Not necessarily pretty beach photos but more so make it a small personal project about the cruise culture. A challenge that in the end I don’t feel I rose to as I found it more important to be present with my kids and my family rather than focusing on photography. A constant struggle for me. Do I put the camera down and experience or do I spend my time making photos. This was an easy decision on this trip. I chose experience. I was, however, able to make a few images I felt hit the mark of what I witnessed.
Perhaps this is the start to something bigger.
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This is awesome Tyler! Love the frames you created! Cruise ship life: newlywed, overfed, or nearly dead 😉