Today I have one story telling image from Julie and Max’s Kansas City wedding at Memorial Hall on Saturday.
I loved this image when I shot it. Not only for its story telling impact but also for its comedic impact.
Max and Julie met at KU when they were in music together. They both are very talented singers and chose to sing to each other during their ceremony.
Turns out all of their wedding party were also singers and helped out as background vocals. I love this moment where Max and his groomsmen were practicing in a tiny dressing room at Memorial hall just before walking out to the ceremony. The Massive Meat Sale sign was just an added bonus and to me was very telling of what kind of person Max is. The sign, for whatever reason, was just sitting in that room. I found it very amusing that Max decided to hold onto it while fine tuning his performance. You just do not see that everyday. Max did that a lot on Saturday. He is a very serious person and must have practiced his song a good 4 or 5 times that day to get it just right then minutes later he was goofing off with his friends. I love how this image seems to sum him up in one frame. I would love to know what his kids say about this image down the road.
Plus the sign became a bit of a joke and ended up on the get away car at the end of the night.
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When you are this Handsome you can do NO wrong !!!
Love it !