Ashley and Mark live in New York so I did not get to spend as much time with them as I usually do.
It did not matter. These two and their families make it so easy for everyone around them to feel like old friends. They threw a wonderful wedding out at Loose Mansion and remained 100% upbeat even with the threat of rain looming all day. I really enjoyed watching Ashley and her family that day. I had a slight insight as to how her, her sister and her mom interacted together when we all met for our final wedding meeting, but I had no idea how close the all were. Ashley and her sister are eerily similar, in the most fun of ways. You can tell what a close bond they have instantly and then you see them interact with their mom it becomes very clear the apple really does not fall far from the tree. The day was perfect even with the not so perfect weather and the night did not disappoint either. It was almost like they had two receptions. One that was for the older crowd and later into the night, one that was for the younger crowd. It was cool to watch that room almost do a transformation when the music started. Let’s just say I have never a group of guys move like that. I almost wanted to get out there and “dougie” myself!
The details:
Ceremony/Reception- Longview Mansion
Florist/designer- Blue Bouquet
Video- Mike Varel
The images:
Ashley’s infamous check lists. She even added one the day of – ” get dressed”. Then she immediately checked it off!
Ashley excited to get her makeup on.
One of the many faces of Ashley and her sister.
The dress was a little bit of a challenge. It is always interesting to see what my clients see in a photo that I like. When Ashley saw it she said, “look at all of those rings”. I never saw that but those are the arms of her sister and mom. In the shot is Mark’s ring, her sisters wedding ring, and her mom’s wedding ring. Pretty cool. I just liked how it looked like a centipede was dressing Ashley!
Mark putting on the final touches.
Mom and daughters right before the ceremony.
The officiant takes a second to do some last minute preparations.
Ashley peaking out from behind her dad to watch the processional without being seen.
Seeing Mark for the first time that day.
The rings.
Great moment. Ashley presents a rose to her mother. Love the matching expressions.
Good thing they handed out umbrellas.
Some quick portraits in and around the mansion.
Waiting to be announced.
Everyone was getting in on the action.
Ashley’s dad had a wonderful toast.
Ashley’s sister does her own toast.
First dance.
Guests teaching everyone how to “dougie”.
The dance party.
A fast portrait before the end of the night.
Sparkler exits can be scary! 🙂
I love this shot because of how imperfect it is. Ashely’s mom was telling them to go without knowing that not everyone had their sparklers lit. I love how it added an extra layer of action to the photo.
Ashley’s brother drove the couple to their hotel that night. Lucky for me the car had two sunroofs so I could time when we went under a street light to light up the couple.
Thanks so much for letting me document your day and tell your story! It was a pleasure getting to know you all. Enjoy.
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Tyler – beautiful work man, as always. Your lighting, composition and timing totally captured every moment of how this day felt to be a part of. These portraits are gorgeous, love the first dance shot, and the “waiting to be announced” shot shows how great you are at looking past a standard/boring shot and telling the story instead. Well done man!
We’ve got nothing but the highest compliments on our wedding photos. You did an amazing job! I find myself going back and looking at them over and over again. Every shot is exactly what I hoped it would be when we chose you to do our wedding. It was a pleasure working with you. Ashley and I can’t thank you enough for capturing lasting memories and telling the perfect story of our wedding day.
Talk to you soon!
Oh my how sweet, love you to pieces. You and your staff were the greatest. Thanks.